How to overcome your biggest competitor – the status quo

Adapted from The Selling Advantage.

A horse is placed in a stable between two pails of oats. He stands there reviewing and contemplating his options, is paralyzed by indecision and starves rather than eats.

This same principle can apply to business and operations. If a person is faced with two similar options and lacks the decision-making skills necessary they will simply wait until it’s clear which decision is better for them.

Indecision, or worse no decision – maintaining the status quo, is a major cause of inanimate or stalled organizations. To overcome the status quo you have to push your employees out of their comfort zone.

Two ways to push a decision:

  1. Redefine and restate the issue in a way that is a clear contrast to the employee’s current perception of the issue.
  2. Articulate the issue so it is essential to the employee’s position and success that a credible solution is developed.

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