The Selling Advantage

The Selling Advantage is a quick-read instructional tool that helps in a variety of situations. By reading it, I get a constant flow of new ideas and strategies.”

George Savic
Regional Sales Manager
Superior Manufacturing Group

About the newsletter & online resource center:

The Selling Advantage delivers quality information that helps sales professionals increase sales performance. It advocates selling value over price and building relationships with new and existing customers.

More than 60,000 sales executives refer to The Selling Advantage for new strategies and proven techniques to improve sales performance. The newsletter offers strategies for managing the tough issues of price, competition and the economy.

The Selling Advantage combines new information with reminders of ideas that were once known, but since forgotten – all aimed at stimulating and increasing sales.

Subscribers also get exclusive access to the Selling Online Resource Center with tools like Skill Builders to keep up to date on best practices to make the sale – from start to finish, Expert Whitepapers on a variety of essential sales topics, and Meeting Starters with customizable meeting notes, scenarios, case studies and checklists to keep meetings fresh and engaging.

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People who benefit:

Sales Managers, Vice Presidents of Sales, Directors of Sales, Owners, Presidents and CEOs.

“Of all of the publications I receive, The Selling Advantage is the most valuable. It makes our sales force think outside their routine and incorporate new sales styles and techniques into their selling.” — Roger Wilfong, Sales Manager, Caterpillar

“It’s a better use of our time than any other publication. It has reinforced common sense selling skills as well as giving us quick, insightful information on subjects like selling more to existing customers.” — Jeff Tuel, VP Sales & Marketing, Global Atmospherics, Inc.

“I really appreciate The Selling Advantage. I use it to give my sales force ideas and selling tips. It reaffirms some things for me and keeps me up to date with current sales topics.” —Dick Rossow, Division Sales Manager, Purina-Mills, Inc.

“We want our people making presentations, asking questions and closing sales, not simply saying ‘Anything for me today?’ The Selling Advantage helps us achieve one of our major goals: making sure they consistently make presentations and ask questions and not just go through motions.” — Dan Reeves, Sales Manager, Butler Paper Co.

“I believe in keeping it simple. The Selling Advantage reinforces the basic practices my sales people need to know in easy to read, digestible pieces.” — Tom Riccella, General Manager, Siemens

“This publication has articles that are fresh – not retreads of concepts and ideas we’ve heard a hundred times over the last twenty years!” — Rick Reynolds, Sales Manager, Web Service Co., Inc.

“Your publication always includes pertinent information we are looking for.” — Jason Robertson, Client Relationship Leader, Interstates

“My sales reps tell me that it’s great. They read the tips and articles very quickly and get on with their days.” — Keith Ruggieri, District Manager, Sherwin-Williams

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To order by phone call 1-800-220-5000.