About the newsletter & online resource center:
Safety Compliance Alert is the premier resource to help safety officers avoid accidents and fines, reduce costly lost-time, improve recordkeeping and keep government inspectors out of the workplace. Safety professionals rely on it to keep them up to date on the complex and ever-changing OSHA rules and regulations.
Safety Compliance Alert also provides real-world examples of what other companies are doing to improve safety in the workplace, stay in compliance and limit liability to employers.
Subscribers also get exclusive access to the Safety Compliance Online Resource Center with tools like bilingual training shops to keep all workers up to date on rules and policies, pass-along Safety Checklists to share with the entire team, Scenario Responses where peers give their input on real-life workplace situations, plus an archive of articles on all topics important to safety pros.
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People who benefit:
Safety Directors/Officers/Managers, Plant Managers, Operations Managers, HR/Personnel Directors.
“Safety Compliance Alert is an excellent source of up-to-date information on safety and health issues in the workplace. It does a good job of covering the many different aspects of safety and health.” — Ron Hnilica, Safety Director, Comcast Cablevision
“Safety Compliance Alert helps me stay on top of all the safety compliance issues without wasting my time searching.” — Pat Karol, Safety Manager, Delta Airlines
“I’ve gotten Safety Compliance Alert for years. I like its quick read format. I’ve gotten many ideas to motivate employees, safety-wise, from the newsletter. We are a “manual” plant and your coverage of the new ergo rule has already helped me reduce some of the many muscle strains we get.” — Sue Murray, Safety Officer, Cabot Creamery
“SCA has useful, well-written articles. Time is of the essence and your “quick- read” format keeps that in mind.” — Mike Porter, Manager of Compliance, Bayer Corporation
“Keeps me up to date with OSHA regs. Safety Compliance Alert helps me keep our safety training program in tune with the regulations.” — Charles Mutz, Regional Training Lieutenant, NY State Dept. of Corrections
“SCA is short and sweet and to the point. I can read the whole things in 10-15 minutes. If I need more detail you give references that allow me to research the issue. I learn something from every issue that I can apply in the course of business.” — Noble Standridge, Safety Services, Amerisafe
“I like its quick and easy to read format. It helps me get management buy-in, which is hard since we don’t get a lot of OSHA inspections or citations.” — Steven Harkin, Sr. Safety Administrator, Pacificorp, Electric Utility
“Safety Compliance Alert is very valuable. I read it and highlight items and articles that I want to share with my staff. It has given me ideas to motivate employees in safety and I’ve gotten training tips.” —Kim Friedman, Safety Supervisor, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
“The fines page with its dollar and cents impact is very helpful in pushing operational changes through. Safety Compliance Alert also helps with my time consumption issue because it doesn’t take much time to read.” — Randy Bright, Safety Manager, Goodwill/Easter Seals
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Ordering information:
To order by phone call 1-800-220-5000.